The HSE Home Birth service is a safe, high-quality and free maternity care package for all healthy, low-risk women who choose to give birth at home. You will receive the best care with continuity from your midwife throughout pregnancy, birth and for two weeks afterwards. Completely funded by the HSE, we provide 1 hour antenatal appointments, time to develop a trusting relationship, and a safe, supported birth at home, followed by regular postnatal visits to help with feeding and parenting.
All the midwives working in Cork and Kerry are experienced, committed, and passionate about the safety of you and your baby, and keeping birth interventions to a minimum. We are trained to recognise any deviation from what is normal, and in those circumstances, we will safely transfer you to hospital, and stay with you for the birth. The majority of women who transfer are first-time mums, who mainly transfer for pain relief.
Our Home Birth Service has been available in Cork for over 25 years, and our satisfaction ratings are around 99%. When we discharge women at 2 weeks after the birth, 98% of them are successfully breastfeeding. You can contact any of the midwives for a 'no strings attached' conversation about the service, to find out if it's for you.